Diagnosed with IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, GERD or Celiac?
Knowing what to eat to manage and improve uncomfortable digestive symptoms can be challenging. These symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating, cramping and changes in bowel movements such as diarrhea or constipation. An expert from our team of dietitians seeks to understand your unique story and then supports you with science-based strategies to combat those irritating symptoms. We aim to nourish your body and get you feeling better!

Working with a Digestion Dietitian means you have:- One-on-one nutrition counselling for optimizing your digestive health.
- A trained professional reviewing your Food Symptom Journal and related bloodwork to come up with an actionable plan.
- An expert “myth-buster” to debunk common digestion misconceptions.
- Trained professional to set specific goals for types of foods, portions and meal ideas to help you feel better.
- Follow-up support for modifying goals based on your symptom progression and possible food challenges/reintroductions as you proceed.
DYK: Each year, approximately 20 million people are affected by digestive disorders in Canada (Canadian Digestive Health Foundation)
DYK: Each year, approximately 20 million people are affected by digestive disorders in Canada (Canadian Digestive Health Foundation)
Ready to get started?
Discover ways to improve uncomfortable digestive symptoms today!

How Should I Monitor My Digestion Symptoms?
Your dietitian will request that you complete a Food Symptom Journal for a minimum of two to three days before your initial appointment.
It is important to avoid changing your diet and also to provide details for the type of foods consumed, portions and corresponding digestive symptoms. Then, your dietitian will review background medical/health history as well as your food intake and related symptoms in order to come up with an action plan to get started!

How Common is IBS?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) impacts an estimated 1 in 7 people. Most develop IBS symptoms before they’re 40 and many have symptoms begin during childhood or young adulthood.
However, diet and lifestyle changes CAN help to improve uncomfortable symptoms.
DYK: Registered Dietitian services are covered by many extended medical benefit plans.
Check with your employer to see if you’re covered!

Benefit From Working with a Digestion DietitianMany of our clients seek dietitian support often after “trying everything” with utter frustration on how to start feeling better.
We help in a number of ways:
- Our trained professional dietitian reviews your current eating habits, as well as your health and digestion history.
- Provides specific, individualized goals/recommendations for foods to include and avoid, portions and meal ideas for optimal digestion.
- Considers all existing health conditions when making recommendations for the diet best suited to your digestive woes.
- Reviews vitamin and mineral supplements, as needed.
- Provides a complete overview of lifestyle habits like sleep, stress and physical activity that impact digestive symptoms.
What’s Involved in Digestion Nutrition Counselling?
- Education: We empower you with an understanding of how our digestive symptoms are impacted by our food, stress and daily lifestyle habits.
- Nutrition: Our dietitian breaks down the what, when and how much to eat for improving symptoms. You’ll receive individualized goals and recommendations that may include meal ideas, product suggestions and label reading.
- Physical activity and daily habits: Regular routines help better manage digestive troubles. Therefore, we come up with a comprehensive plan to support long-term, sustainable, enjoyable change.