Ready to get organized and start meal planning?
Hectic schedules and life stressors can make preparing nutritious meals challenging. This is why we love empowering our clients with meal planning and meal prepping strategies to reduce their stress, lower food waste, save money and of course, improve nutrition! Our dietitians will teach you practical meal planning solutions to overcome those everyday challenges. Let’s come up with an actionable plan that works for you!

Working with a Meal Planning Dietitian Means You Have:- One-on-one nutrition counselling for improving your dietary intake or family’s nutrition.
- An expert meal planner to help you customize a plan that works for your food preferences, budget and time available to cook.
- A trained professional reviewing your bloodwork who is knowledgeable about a variety of health conditions and will come up with appropriate meals and snack ideas.
- Mutual goal setting with individualized recommendations for sustainable change.
- Follow-up support support for accountability along your journey.
Research finds that individuals who eat at home more often lived longer than those who dined out frequently.
(Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics).
Research finds that individuals who eat at home more often lived longer than those who dined out frequently.
(Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics).
Ready to start Meal Planning?
Discover life-long skills to optimize your nutrition today!

What is Meal Planning?
Meal planning is the action of deciding meals in advance using your schedule, preferences, foods on-hand, seasonal produce and sale items as a guide. This leads to grocery shopping once a week for only the items needed and also having others, such as family members, involved in creating the menu or preparing foods.
When you know how to meal plan, you can customize a weekly plan that improves your health and fits the family schedule.
Top 5 Benefits of Meal Planning
- Makes you more likely to reach your health goals.
- Gives you freedom to choose meals based on preferences and family favourites.
- Saves you $$$.
- Streamlines grocery shopping and decreases food waste.
- Lowers stress and decision fatigue.

DYK: Registered Dietitian services are covered by many extended medical benefit plans.
Check with your employer to see if you’re covered!
Is Meal Planning for You?
Do You:
- Feel overwhelmed by the “what to make for dinner” question?
- Feel unprepared (with available groceries) to make dinner at home? Resort to take-out more than you’d like?
- Resent money spent eating out when cooking at home is cheaper?
- Believe your diet could be healthier if you cooked more?
- Make several trips to the grocery store in a week?
If you answered YES to ANY of the above, meal planning would benefit YOU!

What’s Involved in Meal Planning Coaching?
- Education: We empower you with skills for HOW to meal plan. This means you are able to use foods you have in your fridge, include family favourites and take advantage of sales when coming up with your weekly meal plan!
- Nutrition: Our dietitian breaks down the what, when and how much to eat for balanced eating. This way, you can confidently plan your meals knowing that you’re getting the right nutrition. You’ll also have inspiration for meal ideas and solutions leading to habit change.
- Checking In: Following up on your meal planning progress helps us build on your skills, troubleshoot challenges and come up with more solutions in your health journey! Therefore, supporting you with long-term, sustainable lifestyle change is our goal!