What is FODMAP Diet?
What is the Low FODMAP diet? Well, it’s an emerging, scientifically-proven and effective diet for those suffering withIrritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS). Common symptoms of IBS include: abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, and changes in bowel habits. However, for a long time, the frustration has been that there is usually no clearfood-symptom link.
Suffer from IBS? Try the low FODMAP diet! Share on XTheLow FODMAP dietoriginated in Australia, and research shows that3out of4people find tremendous success on this lifelong diet. The FODMAP diet is complex and should beimplemented using a knowledgableDietitian who is familiar with FODMAPs. Your dietitian can assist you in adapting your diet to be low in FODMAPs and nutritionally balanced.
What is a FODMAP?
FODMAP is an acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols. If you think that is a mouthful, you are not alone!
FODMAPsare a group of poorly absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates or ‘fermentable sugars’. In other words, they are indigestible sugars that provide “fast food” for bowel bacteria. Since FODMAPsarepoorly digested sugars, they cause the bowel to distend and generate gas when they are broken down. This is what causes symptoms of discomfort. In effort to resolve symptoms, this diet substitutes foods that are low in FODMAPs.
What foods have FODMAPs? Share on X
What Foods have FODMAPs?
Again, FODMAP is a term used to describe the family ofpoorly digested sugarsthat contribute to IBS symptoms and include:
Fructose:Found in fruits such as pears, apples, mango, watermelon, dried fruits, and canned fruit in natural juice. Fructose is also in honey, agave and high fructose corn syrup.
Lactose:Found in milk from cow, goat or sheep. Lactose is also found in custard, soft cheese like ricotta and cottage cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
Fructans:These are chains of fructose molecules and found in garlic, onion, asparagus, artichoke, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, eggplant, fennel and leek. Fructans are also present in wheat and rye. They also include inulin which is added to processed foods like cereals, granola bars and yogurts.
Galactans:These are chains of sugars found in legumes (baked beans, kidney beans, soy beans, chickpeas and lentils).
Polyols:Sugar alcohols including sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol and maltitol. These are often found in artificially sweetened gums and candies.
Goal of Low FODMAP diet:
The goal of theLow FODMAP dietis simply to improve IBS symptoms and to enhanceyour quality of life. The process of transitioning your diet and seeing noticeable improvementtakes around 2-8 weeks. After symptoms have resolved, there is a systematic re-introduction of foods. Working with yourRegistered Dietitian makes this processless daunting!
Bottom Line:
TheLow FODMAP dietis scientifically-based and extremely promising for improving IBSsymptoms. IBSsufferers are sensitive to FODMAPs, whereas others (without a sensitive bowel) can tolerate these sugars. Your specialized dietitian can help with planning a nutritious, Low FODMAP diet that leaves you and your gut happy.