Circadian Rhythm’s Impact on Body Weight
Circadian Rhythm: We all have an‘internal clock’which regulates our body’s functioningby usingenvironmental signals. If you find yourself naturally more alert at certain times of the day (10am) and more sluggish at other times, you have experienced your owncircadian rhythm. The problem; however, comes when daily tasks throw off this internal clock. During the summer months, we might bemore likelyto tamper with our circadian rhythm. This can beby staying up late with friends or to study, increase in travel to other countries or time zones or doingshift work.
Research has shown thatdisruptionto ourcircadian rhythmcan wreck havoc on our naturalsleep-wake cyclewhich is responsible for releasing hormones that impact our immunity, digestive function, mood and energy. Shift workers are at higher risk forcardiovascular disease (CVD)due to increased incidence of elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugars, high blood fats and abdominal obesity. Seeing that approximately 1 in 3 Canadians work shifts and considering that we live in a chronically sleep deprived society, tampering with our circadian rhythm is a significant health concern.
How does sleep affect your health? Share on XHow does Circadian Rhythm Work?
Our ‘internal clock’ works bycoordinatingour bodily processes so we can work at peak performance. Therefore, every morning to help us awaken, the production of sleep hormone (melatonin) stops. With sunlight, our brain sends signals to our body toincreaseourbody temperatureand produce a stress hormone (cortisol) which promotes hunger and alertness. In the evening we experience our highest levels of thesleep hormone(melatonin) known as the ‘darkness hormone’ since it is secreted during periods of darkness to promote sleepiness.
Why Increased Risk for Weight Gain?
Those withdisruptionsto their circadian rhythm are at agreater riskforweight gaindue to poor food choices (junk foods), irregularity in eating, generally increased caloric intake, decrease in digestion and decrease inphysical activity. While awake in the evening our body also produces astress hormone(cortisol). Which increases blood sugar level and increases another hormone (insulin) responsible for lowering blood sugar. Over time, tampering with our natural circadian rhythm can lead to a higher risk to developing diabetes.
Sleep is vital to weight management! Share on XBottom Line:
Sleepis vital forweight control. I am sure you have heard about it on the news or read about it in the newspaper; but now you can think about the power of yourcircadian rhythmrole in weight management! To stay in tune with your internal clock, aim for aregularandconsistentbedtime and 7-8 hours of sleep each night. First thing in the morning, be sure to eat a substantial b-fast when your hunger hormones are the highest. Decrease your caloric intake during the day when our digestive processes slow down. Also, be sure to turn off electronics, TV and bright lights in the evening so that your sleepy hormone (melatonin) can work its magic.