Is your Fridge Stocked for Healthy Eating Success?
Healthy eating can be a challenge. After all, we live in a fast-paced society where convenience is a major predictor of food choice. With this in mind, I would like you to open your fridge and tell me the first three things you see. According to food behaviour researcher Brian Wansink, we tend to consume foods at eye level. Today I’ll highlight how to organize and stock your healthy fridge! I have included tips from Wansink’s newest book Slim by Design to help us make healthy eating the easy choice.
3 Keys to Organize a “Healthy Fridge”:
- Place the healthiest foods at eye level (see examples below)
- Keep your fridge clutter free
- Hide your indulgences (leftover desserts) in produce drawer or wrap in foil
Foods to Stock in a “Healthy Fridge”:
- Chopped veggies in a see-through container on centre shelf
- Cut fruit in plastic bags and place on centre shelf
- Salad is chopped and washed; stored in a transparent container or with plastic wrap
- Non-fat yogurts (I enjoy unsweetened 0% Greek yogurt)
- Pre-portioned cheese string, baby bel or sliced turkey
- Eggs or a high protein alternative (try making hard-boiled eggs ahead and use them on salads, in sandwiches or as a snack with fruit or crackers.
- Low fat milk or milk alternative (soy, almond milk)
- Hummus or bean dip
- Natural peanut or nut/seed butter
- Keep a water jug or sparkling water front and centre of fridge (aim to have only water and milk as beverages in the fridge)
Bottom Line:
Healthy eating begins with stocking your fridge with the right foods. You will then need to place them strategically in clear view to facilitate convenience and visual reminders. I hope with these fridge-stocking tips, you will no longer wonder why your fresh fruits and veggies went bad when kept in the produce drawer!
Need more tips? Check out my past blog: Stock your Kitchen like a Dietitian!